On the basis of an offer extended by the developer , the annual rental payable for the same amount of space in ifc ii , at current levels , is about hk 222 . 4 million per annum 期发展商的建议租金,若以现时租金水平租用该大厦相同的面积,金管局每年应支付租金约2 . 224亿港元。
The panel noted that with the approval of fs , the sale and purchase agreement for the purchase of 12 office floors and two auditorium floors at ifc ii had been signed on 5 . 10 . 01 事务委员会察悉,在财政司司长的同意下,金管局已于2001年10月5日签订买卖合约,购入国金二期12层写字楼及两层大堂。
The panel noted that with the approval of fs , the sale and purchase agreement for the purchase of 12 office floors and two auditorium floors at ifc ii had been signed on 5 . 10 . 01 事务委员会察悉,在财政司司长的同意下,金管局已于2001年10月5日签订买卖合约,购入国金二期12层写字楼及两层大堂。
At the meeting when ce hkma briefed the panel on the work of hkma , some members raised concern about the disposal of surplus office space in hkma s new accommodation in ifc ii 在会议上,当金管局总裁向事务委员会简介金管局的工作时,部分委员关注该局位于国金二期新办事处的剩馀写字楼面积的处置问题。
At the meeting when cehkma briefed the panel on the work of hkma , some members raised concern about the disposal of surplus office space in hkma s new accommodation in ifc ii 在会议上,当金管局总裁向事务委员会简介金管局的工作时,部分委员关注该局位于国金二期新办事处的剩馀写字楼面积的处置问题。